Sonia Illescas

Services: Intuitive Life Coaching, Angel Readings, Classes, Workshops, Retreats & Certifications

"My life’s purpose is to motivate, inspire and empower people  to live their highest calling in the context of Divine light, love and empowerment. Let us all be mindful  of love and forgiveness. I’ve been coaching and training for the last 15 years. We’ve been able to successfully coach  people to get past their roadblocks and create massive success, joy, and prosperity in their lives!

Angel Blessings, grace and gratitude.”

- Sonia

Sonia is an Angel Channel, Ascension Coach, Fourth Generational Holistic Healer, International Spiritual Intuitive,  Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Twin Flame Guide. She has been guiding, coaching, and empowering twins on the true journey of Sacred Union to be able to come into union. 

As a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Sonia comes from a lineage of strong, empowered, independent divine women who practice holistic soul wound healing and deliverance. Sonia works with her clients’ subconscious behaviors to understating their conscious thoughts through the timeless spiritual wisdom that their souls wish to communicate. She guides clients towards uncovering their soul wound, emotions that are attached to the pain and trauma and assists clients in releasing and healing their wounds. Sonia works with many healing energies that provide her guidance and intuitive wisdom.

Check Sonia’s website (link below) to view the many offerings and book an appointment.

Please feel free to reach out to her via email or through any of her platforms:

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