
What is Numerology?

Numerology is a sacred science that can provide one with insight into who you are, what your life lessons and challenges are all about, and what your purpose and destiny are by identifying patterns. It is more specific than a horoscope for example, because your numerology reading is based on one’s actual birthday, year of birth, and name.

A numerology session will explore your numerology chart. You will receive intuitive counseling on all areas of your life - physical, emotional, social, spiritual, relationships, work, and finances. At the end of your session, your Numerologist will prescribe a customized meditation practice and self-care recommendations to help you navigate what the year’s lessons and challenges.

Connect with us today for a one-of-a-kind numerology reading + customized meditation based on your numerology chart.

Practitioners: Megan Healey, Rachel Pires

Initial Session: $250 (90 minutes)

Follow-up Sessions: $200 (60 minutes)

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